The MeRT process

MeRT, is the abbreviation for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. It is a highly customised use of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or rTMS, based on sophisticated diagnostics. Patented technology developed in the United States.

We treat people with a prescription from a psychiatrist. Our treatment has shown results for depression as well as for other depression-related conditions. This includes depression secondary to other conditions such as chronic pain, PTSD, OCD, chronic fatigue.

rTMS uses a standardised protocol to treat depression, anxiety, OCD, etc. individualised rTMS/MeRT uses a personalised protocol. 

The MeRT process has no evidence for use in conditions such as Schizophrenia. Caution must be taken when treating those with Bipolar Disorder and the MeRT process has protocols and close monitoring schedules for those individuals. 

Results may vary based on individual users and there are no guarantees given.

Step one

It all starts with a dialogue and a ten-minute brainwave recording. 

To measure your brainwave frequencies, we conduct an eyes-closed ten-minute quantitative electroencephalogram (q-EEG).

What is an EEG?

Often referred to as “brain mapping,” a qEEG is a diagnostic tool used in association with an electrocardiogram (ECG)  to measure electrical activity as brain wave patterns. These patterns help us identify important information about your overall brain function.

Because all brains are different, the process is a precise way to identify brain areas with electrical dysfunction related to either traumatic injury or neurodegenerative process. Essentially, the qEEG provides evidence of electrical abnormalities and network dysfunctions.

What to Expect with MeRT Treatment

Testing and Clinical Evaluation

We will gather your new client paperwork, and then our certified clinical staff will perform a qEEG and ECG, which will enable us to identify any dysfunction or communication problems in your brain.

The appointment usually takes about 45 minutes. Then, after this appointment, should you decide to proceed with treatment, we will schedule your assessment period.

If you are not yet ready to commit to going through an assessment period of treatment or prefer to have your qEEG and consultation done to ensure you are a candidate for treatment, we also offer the option of coming in for a qEEG/ECG and consultation with our clinician to see your results before proceeding with the assessment period. 

Step two

We translate the insights from your recording.

Your brainwave recording is sent to Wave Neuroscience’s cloud platform, which is processed against a database of >35,000 Brainwave recordings. Your digital brain image is converted into an easy-to-interpret report, complete with deep insight and age and gender-matched comparisons. Note that your report is anonymous, and no personal details will be shared or released. In Wave Neuroscience cloud platform, you are only registered with a file number.

If we identify areas of the brain that are not functioning properly, partners can use that report to generate a patient-specific care protocol and track progress over time.

Step three

Brainwave Stimulation Personalised for You.

If the report indicates you can benefit from personalised brain stimulation then a protocol is generated based on the brainwave recording data and can be delivered via in-clinic therapy, called MeRT.


Brain Stimulation sessions occur daily, five days per week, for approximately 30 minutes over 4-8 weeks, depending on your brain condition. During this time, your personalised protocol is used to intelligently choreograph brainwave activity into a more synchronised state. Outside of the therapy, you are free to engage in other activities during the day. Clients often experience increased energy level after the treatment, so engaging in physical activities after the treatment can be beneficial. 

Your second appointment is 45 minutes long. During this time, you will meet with one of our certified Clinical Staff members for your clinical evaluation. They will answer any questions you may have and discuss your applicable treatment plan. Please note that our Medical Director, oversees all treatment for each patient. 

Assessment Period

The assessment period of treatment lasts for two weeks and begins with an Electroencephalogram (EEG).

The assessment period of treatment will help you and us determine how you are responding to treatment. Then, at the end of the assessment period, we will perform a second qEEG to note any changes occurring in your brain. 

After completing a two-week assessment period, the patient will have their initial qEEG/ECG, and then attend treatment sessions for two weeks. The first week will be Monday through Friday, and the second week, Monday through Thursday, nine sessions in total, followed by a repeat qEEG to determine progress.  

You must expect 2-4 periods of treatment, depending on your brain's condition, to get good results. As part of the therapy, each client receives a brain report showing the results for their individual brain. Please see link below.

Example Brain Report 

01 Neuroref Report Example Head Injury  

02 Neuroref Report Example PTSD

03 Neuroref Report Example MeRT Changes

Step four

Continuing Treatment

Once the assessment period is complete, and we are seeing progress both clinically and on the qEEG, we will schedule subsequent two-week treatment periods. Because each treatment period lasts for two weeks, you must be able to stay in the vicinity of the clinic for the entire treatment duration. We advise that to get the most out of your treatment — and for long-lasting results — you stay for an entire 6-8 weeks of treatment (which includes the assessment period).

The comparison between the initial and second qEEG/clinical evaluation will determine if you are responding. You should also start to experience changes in the way you are feeling during this time. 

Since each brain is unique, the protocol will be different for each patient as it is based on specific qEEG/ECG data from your brain and the specific condition being treated. Generally, the results of treatment can last a lifetime, though some people prefer occasional follow-up treatment as needed. However, each person is different, and protocols may vary. We will regularly schedule follow-up EEGs and meet with you to gauge your progress.

Additional Information

A typical treatment session takes about 45 minutes. You will sit in a chair while the clinical staff administers the treatment near the scalp via a hand-held magnet. The gentle magnetic impulses are delivered for six to eight seconds each minute. You may feel a slight sensation while the treatment is occurring, but it is not painful or uncomfortable.

Please note that results and improvements are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual users and are not guaranteed. Plus, the results of therapy can vary per individual. In general, the longer the length of MeRT therapy, the longer the changes remain.

Customised Treatment

We customise the MeRT protocol to each patient’s needs based on the results of their EEG and ECG. We then tailor the treatment protocol to the location, frequency, and amount of power used by the magnet. That’s because this technology works by using a magnetic coil to neuromodulate the brain’s electrical activity.

In other words, we first perform a quantitative EEG on each patient to determine the exact frequency of the brain. These results are then reviewed and evaluated by neuroscientists so that the treatment is specific to each patient’s unique condition and optimised for the best possible results. We will sit down with you and go over your results personally and explain your specific treatment protocol. 

Because we customise treatment specifically for you, this can lead to significant clinical improvements. As a result of MeRT treatment, many of our patients feel better and sometimes go off medications, which should only on advice from a doctor. 

MeRT, is the abbreviation for Magnetic Resonance Therapy. It is a highly customised use of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or rTMS, based on sophisticated diagnostics.

Like rTMS, the MeRT therapy is a non-invasive, painless, and drug-free option for the treatment of a wide range of neurological conditions.

MeRT is a non-invasive, painless treatment

Equipment approved by the Australian Government Department of Health/Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Drug free treatment

MeRT treatment does not require sedation and is completely drug-free 

because life quality matters